Make Money #Carding

Posted By: Unknown - 02:56


& Comment

Hello today I will try to elaborate on how one may perhaps utilize the Bill Me Later service to card goods

First some insight on what is Bill Me Later? Here are a few facts:

-Bill Me Later is a pay as you go (or as your target goes lol) method of paying for online goods by opening a new line of credit.

-It is similar to a credit card although no actual credit card is needed.

-Linked with PayPal this program uses the cardholders credit history to assess approval worthiness. (The richer the vicitm the better)

-Their service site offers a list of sites where one may use Bill Me Later instead of a credit card.

Now for the actual practice. As mentioned in the listing, this technique is not 100% guaranteed by any means, but with enough effort & common sense, it just may be possible to turn this into a gold mine.

Ok so first things first you will obviously need some tools to start the carding process, unless you like LE rats on your trail.

These tools include:

A laptop
Fake E-mail
A VM Software (I reccommend Oracle VirtualBox) coupled with a VM loaded onto it (Whonix Gateway> Whonix Workstation reccommmended)
TruCrypt encryption software
VPN of your choice
Wine for loading windows apps on linux
Vip72 Socks client or similar
A target (preferably high credit score one) & their SSN (obtainable for people 30 & over on DOB Address Phone & a credit report on them (optional)

Once you have these things obtained you may proceed onward to the next steps:

Step One: Open virtual workstation & start up all your security measures

Step Two: Access a Socks5 proxy within the location of your target's city

Step Three: Use Tor & go to & sign up with target's info

Step Four: The target must be approved before able to open new line of credit. So wait for approval or if denied try another identity.

Step Five: Once you have an approved target, now the fun really starts (credit limit allowing)

Step Six: I reccommend once you get this far to take it slowly & not do anything too hastefully & greedily, so you might want to make small purchases to test the waters, then gradually build up to big stuff.

Step Seven: Rinse & repeat


Yet another recommendation: Try to find a BML site that sells those E-gift cards & has a no refund policy on them & buy those. Then stop, don't use them just yet, you want to sell them for what's next
After you've sold them (for bitcoins I hope & not real money) then go to a site called & buy some giftcards for bitcoins. They have a fairly decent selection including: Amazon, Kohl's Gamestop,etc.
You can then bulk load these gift cards into a real account like Amazon, which you can safely buy stuff since they were purchased with Bitcoins & not traceable money.
A bitcoin mixer can be used before buying from Gyft for a maximum paper trail severing.

Thanks for your read remember to always use drops, deny everything, cover your tracks.

                                               Contect Any help Need

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